Whakapapa mō Mā Te Rae
The exploration of what evaluation means for indigenous peoples began over 15 years ago. There is again a resurgence to explore the space and place of Māori evaluation in Aotearoa and a potential body to drive this kaupapa.
I pēhea te whakapātuki nei i te aromatawai mō te tangata whenua tētahi pātai i whakaputangia 15 tau ki muri. Kua ora anōhia te hiahia kia whai tūrangawaewae, kia whakatinanahia, kia whakakōtahihia ngā kaiaromatawai Māori i Aotearoa.
Mā Te Rae has been established by Māori for Māori to advance the social, cultural and economic development of iwi maori through participation in and contribution to quality evaluation. Our ingoa and whakatauaki Mā te rae ka rangatira ai, reminds us to look deep, far and wide into any evaluation with clarity and clear consciousness that is grounded in our Māori world, and that we see not only with our eyes but our mind, body and spirit.
Ko tā te tuapapa o Mā Te Rae i whakaahuatia e ngāi Māori mō ngāi Māori, hei whakatikahia te taha tinana, te taha wairua, te taha oranga mai o te iwi i te turukitanga o te aromatawai. Ko tā te ingoa hei whakatauakī i te rangatiratanga o te tangata. He mea akiaki i a tātou kia tiro hōhonu, kia tiro whānui i te ao Māori me te mahi aromatawai. Hei maumahara ake kia mā te kōrero, kia whakamahi atu i ngā whatu, i te hinengaro, i te tinana me te wairua hei tirohia i ngā ao e rua.
Stories are a deeply human activity and can establish a strong sense of connection. Tell the story of how your business came into being or some other part of your history that really speaks to what your business is all about. This is a great way to make your business feel more human and build trust with visitors.
Hui Māori 2015: Launch of Mā Te Rae

Nau mai, haere mai - be part of the Mā Te Rae whānau
Mā Te Rae
Māori Evaluation Association
Mā Te Rae ka rangatira ai...
Connecting, Sharing, Moving forward together
Phone: 027 294 4385
Email: koreromai@maaterae.maori.nz